My journey towards the Life Coaching

Understanding the drivers behind successful and happy teams/people has always piqued my curiosity. What are the qualities of effective leadership? How can individuals, teams, or companies implement strategies that truly make a difference? These questions led me to explore coaching as an important tool.
As you may know, there are no coincidences in life, and things usually happen for a reason, as cliché as it may sound, but there is truth in it. So, it all began with an unexpected phone call inviting me to a holistic weekend retreat, a decision that profoundly altered the course of my life. After that event I realized my desire to explore further and took the full MethodRaie Master course on mindfulness.
Soon after, I received another invitation for attendance to a Mindvalley University, a global humanity transformational education provider. This culminated in the final or actually the first step towards The Life Coach certification, enriching my understanding of bioengineering, consciousness, and the complexities of the human mind. During that course I also got authorized to be a mentor for the meditation practice called “The-6-Phase-Meditation-Method".
While I've achieved certain milestones in coaching, I see this path as an ever-evolving journey. Each experience is an opportunity for deeper understanding and personal development. I'm excited about the continuous learning and the unending journey ahead, as both a coach and an individual committed to self-improvement and helping others realize their full potential.

Licensed to Coach
The comprehensive Mindvalley Life Coach Certification, 2023
The-6-Phase-Meditation-Method license, 2023
The MethodRaie Master, 2022
Fitness Coach, EQF, L 4 license, 2021
Need a Coach?

What you will get with me:
1 h of coaching session for free
An accountability partner
Workarounds towards your goals
Clear and structured sight of yourself
Meditation guidance

“The happiness and success you are after in the future will only be found by working on it today."
